While Italian cycling may be king during your bike vacation at YCI, there are plenty of other outdoor activities in the beautiful Veneto region of Italy. We can hike on local trails and swim at the neighborhood pool. Other options including, ziplining, horseback riding, paragliding, river rafting, and go carting.
Want to learn to make truly al dente pasta? We also arrange cooking classes so that you can learn some regional specialties.

Your Cycling Italia offers the opportunity to those that would like to try Tandem Paragliding with an english speaking certified fight instructor in the afternoons after our bicycle rides.
You are the wind as you fly up and down the green mountain slopes of Mt. Grappa which offers you great panoramas of the towns below! Pilots come from all around to fly some of the best thermals of Mt. Grappa… one of the “Hot Spots” in all of Europe to Paragliding. You fly tandem with a licensed instructor. The pilot does the flying as you are strapped in a harness going along for the flight. When the day is calm and after a brief introduction of the sport and procedures, you accompany your flight instructor in a van ride up the mountain to an already determined grassy field launch site. (A 20 minute drive) The pilot prepares your harness and gives final flight instructions for your take off.
When the wind is right you literally run off the side of the mountain! The air fills your sail, and you lift into the sky! The flight is breath taken as you move with the wind. Up, up, up… as you see all around! Your pilot captures all these moments of flight on video… for all to see…to see, that you can fly! Twenty minutes later your journey ends when you touch down on the grassy field next to our hotel as family and friends watch from the patio eagerly awaiting your arrival!
Cost for all this excitement is 70 euro’s… including the flight video and photographs. All that is needed to fly is a jacket, long pants, and sturdy shoes. The flight instructor will provide helmet and all the encouragement!

Cosa aspetti? Register now! What are you waiting for?! Register online or contact us!