Thanks for thinking of George on July 5th for George's celebration of life. This page is dedicated to George Pohl and the Italian Cycling Center that brought us all together. Here are photo's and some of George's famous sayings.

How do you know when you reach the top of the climb...when you start going down!
There is a three question rule...three questions? Ya, now you have two!
If you choose the antipasto, you can only have a first or a second, but not both!
There is only one reading of the menu, so listen up!
When George was asked a redundant question, his response, "it's in the pre-departure information".
Rides going West, we leave from the Locanda, rides going East, we leave from the Residence.
"That helmet is an abomination!"
Why are you wearing a douche bag on your back! George's reference to a Camel Back.
"Cyclists don't wear their helmets like Gilligan!"
I admonished George about being rude to potential clients who ask foolish questions.
George replied, I do go over my responses to such letters very carefully to weed out hostilities and insults. I figure I can really insult them later if they go to camp and are in my clutches.
George describing the Italian dessert Panna Cotta "a quivering mass of bovine lipids"!
Ivo... Cappuccino for American boys and girls!
If someone was riding in front of George and they were approaching a side road they would ask "Which way do we go?" George: "Follow the solid line."
Ride leader Bill, George, Michael, Marybeth and Marcia set out towards Asolo, and Bill re-directed us toward Mussolente first, to check out a variant route, where upon George, all of a sudden, stopped, got off his Scapin and announced that "since the official route was being changed, he was turning back, and it was a good day to go into Bassano and get a hair cut" Ah, another speed bump along the archives of the ICC.