The Veneto region of Italy is rich with great bicycle tours, and we go out of our way to take YCI guests to places that most travelers won’t find on their own. While you may have come to Italy for a cycling vacation, you’ll have a great experience with us off the bike, too.
Bike Hot Spots
Bill knows every Italian bike shop nearby, so you can pick up some local jerseys, bottles, or even an Italian bicycle. He also has close relationships with local frame builders and component manufacturers, who welcome us to tour their factories and showrooms. We know that Tuscany is famous for its Brunellos and Renaissance art, but the Veneto is the center of Italy’s bicycle industry. What could matter more? We can get you in the door of many leading Italian bike brands during your Italian cycling vacation.Culture and Shopping Want a little Italian culture, too? We can check out the area’s museums, villas and churches, and the historic city centers in Bassano del Grappa, Marostica, Asolo, and other cool towns.
Since no bike tour to Italy would be complete without some shopping, we’ll also take you to local vineyards and distilleries (prosecco or grappa, anyone?), coffee roasters, ceramics factories, and clothing outlets.
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